Canada – MP Marcus Powlowski Makes Serious Accusations About Ottawa Protestors But Is Short On Actual Facts. Local Media Eats It Up Anyway

Liberal MP Marcus Powlowski says Ottawa protesters ‘don’t inspire dialogue’ MP Marcus Powlowski returned to Parliament Hill on Monday for the first time since protesters from across the country jammed the centre of the capital with trucks to vent their anger over COVID-19 vaccine mandates. “It  feels a bit like a war zone,” the Liberal member … Read more

Canada – New Regulations For Podcasts

 Only in Canada? Pity…This country is soooo screwed. And nobody cares. I am beginning to believe that our government applauding a former member of the Ukrainian Nazi Waffen SS  was no an accident.  Justin and company are becoming more and more like Nazi Germany during WW2. Authoritarian government crushing descent.  Eliminating opposing view points.  … Read more

The World – The True Cost Of Energy Generated From Wind Turbines

The True Cost of Energy Generated From Wind Turbines Contrary to mainstream belief, wind turbines are neither effective nor, in many cases, good for the environment Claims of wind power being pro-environment often do not consider the damaging effects these projects can have on wildlife and ecosystems, thus hiding the “true cost” of such initiatives. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Another one of THESE days. Thank heavens the cruise ship has left.  This is the road leading up to the Pool 6 site.  The MP for Thunder Bay – Rainy River, Marcus Powlowski would describe this as a war zone. With no cruise ship present, these flags could be taken down.  Not sure why they … Read more

Canada – Protests Show A Serious Misunderstanding Of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms

It’s the 40th anniversary of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but recent protests show a serious misunderstanding of what those mean By Clarisse Paron — The Conversation — Apr 15 2022 Recent protests, like the so-called “freedom convoy,” have denounced government action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic by claiming that government mandates like mask and vaccine mandates infringe … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

No shortage of feral shopping carts around today Kinda like the black and white   No, not the surface of the moon or a war zone.   Just ask MP Marcus Pawlowski.  He knows what a war zone looks like. I wonder if anyone is living in there yet? Busy doing what should have been done … Read more

The World – Make Nazism Great Again?

Escobar: Make Nazism Great Again? Authored by Pepe Escobar, The supreme target is regime change in Russia, Ukraine is just a pawn in the game – or worse, mere cannon fodder… All eyes are on Mariupol. As of Wednesday night, over 70% of residential areas were under control of Donetsk and Russian forces, while Russian … Read more

Canada – Trudeau Is A Global Hypocritical Joke

Justin Trudeau is a laughing stock around the world.  When it comes to promoting democracy, he should keep his mouth shut. He lost all credibility on that topic when he crushed the peaceful protestors in Ottawa using draconian methods only dreamed of by the world’s tyrants. The only reason that Justin is invited to take … Read more