The World – Did Israel Create And Fund Hamas?

 Is it true? Looks like its a distinct possibility. If it is true, then you can be sure that the US knew about it, Hamas Israel’s own creation Interesting. Remember that the first casualty of war is truth.   Be skeptical.  Hamas was Netanyahu’s idea  

The World – Israel Killing Its Own Citizens

Israel admits it killed its own at Nova music festival An Israeli police investigation into the Hamas attack on the Nova music festival near the Gaza border on 7 October revealed that an Israeli attack helicopter killed some of the attendees, Haaretz reported on 18 November. According to a police source, an investigation into the incident showed that … Read more

The World – Israeli Ministry ‘Concept Paper’ Proposes Transferring Gaza Civilians To Egypt’s Sinai, With Canada As A Possible Final Destination

 Below we have an article by the AP via CTV News about the same “leaked Document.  The full translated 9 page document can be found here. Israeli ministry ‘concept paper’ proposes transferring Gaza civilians to Egypt’s Sinai, with Canada as a possible final destination Published Oct. 30, 2023 7:28 p.m EDT JERUSALEM –An Israeli government … Read more

The World – Hamas Or IDF? Who Blew Up The Hospital?

Kim takes you through what is known as of yesterday. Pretty thorough. Worth a watch. What it all boils down to me is who has a missile/bomb large enough to flatten a building the size of a hospital?   Hamas or Israel. You answer that question, you know whose missile/bomb it was that blew up the … Read more

The World – IDF Chief Reminds Troops Not To Shoot Shirtless People Waving Surrender Flags

IDF Chief Reminds Troops Not To Shoot Shirtless People Waving Surrender Flags Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed that Israeli’s army is “the most moral army in the world,” yet somehow IDF soldiers needed a reminder from their top officer that they’re not supposed to kill people who are surrendering to them. That refresher lesson was … Read more

The World – Slowly, The Story Of Gaza Is Coming Out

 The more information that comes out of the war in Gaza, the worse Israel looks. Why did Hamas take hostages?  Turns out, to use as bargaining chips in order to get Palestinian prisoners being held by Israel released.  Palestinian prisoners, many who were children, many were women, many were being held without charges.