The World – The Entire Climate Change Crisis Fear Mongering Is All About Transferring Trillions Of Tax Dollars Into The Pockets Of Large Corporations

 Climate Crisis is a giant marketing scam.  Its all about money.  The transferring of trillions of government currencies  (tax dollars) into the pockets of the wealthy. Remember…don’t listen to what the rich people say about the climate crisis.  Watch what they do.   They still fly in private jets. They still build huge mansions on … Read more

The World – Climate The Movie

Watch it now before it gets taken down.    This is what I have been saying all along.  Climate change fear mongering has nothing to do with saving the planet or the life on it, its all about money.  Making huge amounts of money. Money taken out of your pockets and put into the pockets … Read more

The World – Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration – Maybe The Climate Science Is Not Settled After All

Over 1,600 Scientists Sign ‘No Climate Emergency’ Declaration International scientists have jointly signed a declaration dismissing the existence of a climate crisis and insisting that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth, contrary to the popular alarmist narrative. Children take part in a climate change protest in Montreal on Sept. 26, 2020. (Graham Hughes/The Canadian Press) … Read more

The World – The Rise and Rhetoric Of The Climate Chicken Littles

The Rise and Rhetoric Of The Climate Chicken Littles For those who may not recall Chicken Little (AKA Henny Penny), the character was derived in the 1880s and was meant to be an allegorical character. Chicken Little was never intended to be the whimsical Disney fantasy character that it became. Chicken Little was infamous for over-exaggerating … Read more

Ontario – ‘All Hands On Deck’ Required To Fix Housing Crisis, Says Ontario Chamber

‘All hands on deck’ required to fix housing crisis, says Ontario Chamber The availability and affordability of housing has reached a crisis point in the province, said the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. No longer an urban issue, this issue now impacts large and small communities across Ontario. The chamber has released a policy paper,  Home … Read more

The World – Transitioning Fleet Trucks To Electric Raises Costs By Up To 114 Percent, Report Warns

Transitioning Fleet Trucks To Electric Raises Costs By Up To 114 Percent, Report Warns Florida-based Ryder analyzed the potential cost of transportation if internal combustion engine trucks are converted to EVs. There is a 5 percent cost increase for light-duty EVs and a 94–114 percent increase for heavy-duty trucks, the May 8 report states. For a fleet … Read more

The World – NetZero And Human Rights Are Mutually Exclusive

NetZero And Human Rights Are Mutually Exclusive (Featuring: The Three Big Lies of “Climate Action”) Everybody talks a good game when asked about environmental concerns. But they underestimate what real “climate action” will cost them, personally, and they’re prone to balking when they figure it out. In 2018, The Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago conducted a survey of … Read more

The World – Humans May Be Fueling Global Warming By Breathing: New Study

The Climate Death Cult’s Mask is Slipping THE CORBETT REPORT MAR 10, 2024 by James Corbett March 10, 2024 Have you heard the latest nonsense from the climate cultists? No, I’m not talking about recycling human hair to change the weather. And I’m not talking about the hot new fad of defacing works of art (and the US constitution) … Read more