Thunder Bay – Saturday – Last Day Of April

I, for one, am not sorry to see the end of April.

First trip down to the shoreline this year


Lots of these now.

Should see a crusher on site next week.  They are running out of time.

Sometimes, being a Goldeneye is a lonely thing.

Especially in this crowd

Red-winged Blackbirds are back

Common Mergansers

Mask photo

See this a lot. I am sure that putting a Ukrainian flag in your window or next to your Twitter heading makes a huge difference in the lives of the Ukrainians living in a war zone.   This is called virtue signaling.  Letting everyone know that you support the latest thing. You are sooo virtuous.

What WOULD make a difference is to scream at your local members of Parliament.  Tell them to end the war.   Tell Trudeau and his puppet master Freeland to do everything to end the conflict.  Stop pushing for more war. Stop escalating the situation.

Skull Mountain. Not much left.

Apotheosis in Crystal

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