The World – Musk Buys The Deathstar. The Empire Now Strikes Back

The Ministry of Truth is now a real thing.

We Canadians already have such a thing, the details explained during the trucker protests in Ottawa earlier this spring.

The level of hysteria that Musk’s purchase of Twitter has produced by the groups that now control what information you are allowed to hear, see and read.

Disinformation. Misinformation. What is it?  Those terms need to be completely clarified, pinned down, defined before there can be laws banning it. Before censoring people’s speech.

Right now, governments decide what disinformation and misinformation is.   Right now, the extreme left decide what disinformation and misinformation is. Right now, Big Pharma decide what disinformation and misinformation is.

Right now, disinformation and misinformation is anything that goes against the narrative being promoted by all of those groups.   The gatekeepers of information are deciding what disinformation and misinformation is.

What worries the present gatekeepers is that maybe, we don’t know for sure but maybe just maybe, Musk will take some of that power away from the gatekeepers and the gatekeepers cannot have that.

Watch: Biden’s New ‘Disinfo’ Queen Goes Full ‘Libs Of TikTok’

Savor the Great Musk Panic

The First Amendment Option: An Easy Way For Musk To Restore Free Speech On Twitter

Canada does not have a constitution that guarantees  that Canadians have any inalienable rights or freedoms.  We have privileges that can be granted or withdrawn at the whim of the government at any time for any reason.  Trudeau just proved that with his invoking the Emergencies Act.  He just did it.  No  debate in Parliament and the Senate.

Everyone’s Anti-War Until The War Propaganda Starts

Against what is happening in Ukraine? You are pro Russian and a Putin lover. You must be silenced.

After Backlash, Google Turns Off ‘Newspeak’ Correction Tool (For Now)

Newspeak, Double Speak, Ministry of Truth, Big Brother, the creation of a  Emmanuel Goldstein type of figure…from George Orwell’s novel 1984.  Its all there.  Its like the man had a crystal ball.  He got the date wrong. It took longer to happen but it did. He was bang on.

Then there is his novel Animal Farm but that is something for another day, but it too is coming into its own.  Socialism. Communism. Marxism.  “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others”.  Oh yes…Can you pick out the “animals’ around the world who are more equal than others right now?


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