Thunder Bay – Sunday

Seeing how our civilization has become dependent on electricity for its very survival and electricity generated from burning fossil fuels is being phased out, I am not sure what the alternatives for generating that electricity are.

Sun and wind?  That still needs a lot of research and development in order to provide a steady and dependable source of electricity.  Storage is the main problem,

Of course, fossil fuels and the electricity it generates is required to produce the equipment required to generate wind and solar power.  That is not going to change anytime soon.  Sooo, what is left?

Mask photo

You know that hard times are coming when pawn shops can’t survive today.

I remember a time when nobody would see this let alone know what it is.  Now, its a common sight in Thunder Bay.

Discarded food item.

Great Blue Heron

Got a fish

Another wet bee. The insects are lethargic when wet and cold.  You can get close up photos easily.  They do not fly away.

Not sure what this magic cone is doing here.

Looks like this trash was just too heavy for the person to carry to a trash can.

Happy Meal?

Dead fish. White Sucker?  Must be a lot of these around because I heard that there is a Sucker born every minute.

Mask photo

and then it poured rain.

Not a complete day without seeing feral shopping carts.

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