The World – Pick And Choose Which Science You Want To Believe

I have always believed in people making having the right to choose what goes into their own body.   That includes food as well as ‘vaccines’.

GMOs. Remember that?  Monsanto?  Science screwing with the food supply?  For some reason, many people don’t like the consume genetically modified food products.  Remember the term Frankenfood?

Not trust the science when it comes to things you ingest but trust the science on things that injected into your arm?  Seriously?

Many GMO products have been around for many years.  Decades even.  They have a long track record when it comes to safety. Should you be FORCED to eat them?

These mRNA ‘vaccines’ do not.  The mRNA ‘vaccines’ have only been around for a year.  Big Pharma has a huge profit incentive to get as much of their product injected into our arms as possible.

If the GMO food makes you sick, you can sue the company that produced it. There is a financial liability involved.  This is not the case when it comes to the mRNA ‘vaccines’.  Big Pharma has no legal liability when it comes to the safety of their products when it comes to these COVID ‘vaccines’.  None.

Sure, the Canadian government has created a compensation program for people who suffer serious side-effects due to the ‘vaccines’.  Have you heard anything about it?  How does it work?  What do you need to do to receive any compensation? How much would you get?  Has anyone applied for it?  How long will it be around?  Will it still be there 10 years from now? 20 years from now?

We all know how easily governments pay out cash. How easy governments make it to get compensation.  Lawyers will make a lot of money.

Do you really know what the mRNA ‘vaccines’ are all about?  What do they do when injected?  If you think that they have any similarity with the flu vaccine or the polio vaccine or any previous released vaccines, you are totally mistaken. The only thing the mRNA ‘vaccines’ have in common with any of the other vaccines is that the mRNA ‘vaccines’ are injected into your arms.

The definition of vaccine had to be changed to include mRNA technology.  Did you know that?

According to an archived version of the dictionary’s website, Merriam-Webster formerly said a “vaccine” was “a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.”

The new definition of “vaccine“, published in May, reads: “a preparation that is administered – as by injection – to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease.” – USA Today Fact Check



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