The World – The Troubling Story Of Vioxx And Big Pharma’s Role In Opioid Crisis

Trust the science.

I wonder what surprises are instore for the world when complete story of the ‘vaccines’ is written.  Big Pharma lie all of the time.  When billions of dollars in profits are at stake with no fear of jail time, don’t you think that there is a strong incentive to fudge the numbers? Remember that Vioxx was not rushed through. There was no EUA.

Now children are being injected.  That is scary. They have a lot of years left to live where who knows what side-effects are going to show up? Of course, no lawsuits are going to allowed because of the EUA.  Nope. Big Pharma has no skin in this game.  Its all upside for them.

Its all about the money. Trust the science.

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