Canada – Health Workers Allowed To Stay On Job Even If They Test Positive For COVID-19. Why? Because There Are Not Enough Of Them.

Quebec health unions decry plan to allow COVID-positive health-care workers to stay on the job

I’m hearing that many hospital workers recently suspended for refusing to get vaccinated are being asked to return to work because of a staff shortage. Now, because they are needed, all of a sudden hospitals are agreeing to testing instead of mandated vaccinations.  If you are vaccinated, test positive but are asymptotic, you can remain working. Funny how that works.

I thought that mandated vaccinations was all about protecting the patients and fellow workers.  You know, science.

Nurses leaving health care as pandemic continues, says Sudbury nurse

Emergency department closures due to nursing shortage quadrupled in southern Manitoba

Ontario nursing shortage taking toll on northern health-care systems

St. Lewis cries foul after nurses moved to address shortage in neighbouring town

Sooo, is it all about patient health or control?  You want to address a nursing shortage by telling them its either your way or the doorway?   And they take the doorway and then…..?

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