Ontario – Pushing Third Dose While Still Trying To Sell First Dose As Being Effective.

Saw this on MediaMonarchy.com. Very true.  Right now the Ontario government is dishing out the third dose, hinting at a fourth, while still trying to sell people on the first dose.  Its obvious that no one in Queens Park or the Science Table have any idea what they are doing.  The ‘pandemic’ plan is made up day to day. There is no long range plan of attack.  No weapon other than ‘vaccines’ that leak like sieves.

If the whole reason for trying to vaccine the world every six months forever  is to limit hospitalization numbers, then why not increase capacity of hospitals?  Army field hospitals would make an ideal solution for the non ICU patients. Increase ICU beds temporarily until ‘pandemic’ is over’.   That has to be cheaper than closing the economy down every for months. Then there is Ivermectin.  Might work. Might not. Why not give it a shot?

If Ivermectin works, we win. If it doesn’t work, we have lost nothing. We then try something else. Putting all of your eggs in one leaky basket is a bad strategy. For some reason, our government and its Science Table health ‘experts’ is sticking to that strategy.

What is that saying, Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is a sign of insanity?

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