The World – For Those Who Still Care

Another Study Finds That Natural Immunity Protects Better Against Infection Than Pfizer Vaccine

For some reason, natural immunity has been given the cold shoulder by the government and its health ‘experts’ all along.  Why?  No profit in natural immunity.

Hospitalizations, Mortality Cut In Half After Brazilian City Offered Ivermectin To Everyone Pre-Vaccine

The same goes for Ivermectin.  It obviously works if administered early and there are many examples of it working for patients who were being written off by hospitals.  Why is it being suppressed?  No profit in Ivermectin.

This ‘pandemic’ is not going to end because of the leaky ‘vaccines’.  There needs to be other weapons.  We should be trying everything. Old and new.

Judge Holds Hospital In Contempt: Give Ivermectin To Dying Woman Or Pay $10,000-A-Day Fine

Who do you so her in Ontario? The hospital? The government? The doctors?  All I know is that if it were a member of my family, I would expect the hospital to do everything possible to save their life.  Having to take a hospital to court to get treatment is insane. But that is the world we are living in now.

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