Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Another reusable shopping bag busy saving the planet

It was supposed to be a clear sky. At least that is what the Weather Network said.  It was not.

We do have great reflections this morning


The clouds were moving quickly.

Nice colour

No sun this morning

Instead of this childish behaviour, why don’t they simply move the drug injection site to conform with government regulations?   That’s all they have to do.  Move to a location that is more than 200 metres from the nearest school.  This campaign makes me believe that the drug site supporters are more worried about protecting their jobs  than the drug addicts that they  are claiming to care about.

Camper in Waverley Park.  Seems like only fools in this city pay for electricity.  Its going to get real crowded here next Monday.  Will the tent still be around on Remembrance Day?

Where do these campers get the money to pay for all of tents and tarps?
