Thunder Bay – Monday – First Full Day Of Fall

OK. This looks like we may have something here today. The water surface is not perfectly smooth but its not bad.

Took my fisheye out for a shot.

Fire in the sky

Not bad.

We have some mist on the surface of the water.

and so the day has begun

The City Manager is looking at different aspects of the city to promote to get people to move here.  Yes, there is all of the outdoor activities available with a short drive of the city centre and the lower house prices (compared to the rest of the country).  However, there are several other advantages people living in Thunder Bay have over people living in other communities.  One of the main advantages is that a person can camp anywhere they want.  Just park and set up.  Here for an example is a campsite in the Pool 6 area of Marina Park.  Nice view. Waterfront location. And its free!  No charge. Go Thunder Bay!

Also, in Thunder Bay, you can toss your trash anywhere you want.  Finish eating your bag of potato chips?  Just crumple it up and toss it right there.  In fact, you don’t have to crumple it up. Just drop it and keep going. Go Thunder Bay!.

Feel like having a beer, wine or spirit while you are out and about the city?  In a park of just walking down the street?  Just go ahead.  Nobody cares.  And when you are done, just toss the empty..anywhere you want.  Go Thunder Bay!

If you are in the mood to break something, go ahead.  Relieve those mental tensions or get rid of a menta demon or two.  Windows, infrastructure..anything.  Just smash it.  Nothing will happen to you.  Go Thunder Bay!

If breaking something is not your thing but you still need to blow off some steam then walk up and down the street screaming every swear word in your limited vocabulary. Scream them as loud as you ca.  Do it at all hours of the day and night for as long as you want.  Nobody cares. Everyone is used to it.  Go Thunder Bay !

Want to start up a tax funded non-profit company that allows you to make a good living servicing one of the city’s many addicts, mentally ill  or unhoused you are in the right place.  Go Thunder Bay!

There are soo many more advantages to living in this city.  Too many to list.   I am sure that our high salaried residents of City Hall can come up with a huge list without even trying.

Don’t feel bad buddy. It happens to the best of us.

Trash in context.  I figure its left over from the Grande Parade held on Saturday.

It would be nice if organizations that used the park took their trash with them when they leave.  I know, that leaving your trash anywhere you want is an advantage of living in Thunder Bay as mentioned earlier but still I am not a fan.

Water bottle photo

Bees are still busy getting ready for the winter.

Yes, there are still flowers blooming but too many more 0C mornings might change that.