Thunder Bay – Thursday

Nice colour in the morning sky. Not a lot of clouds but we will see the sun.

Nice reflections

Interesting clouds.  Two layers.

The sun

I like this shot.  Nice mist.

The mistake-on-the-lake today

Still here.

The outrigger crew

Someone left a snack for someone.  Looks healthy but it all ended up in the trash.

Another apple gone to waste.

There were no such things as inflatable bouncy castles when I was a kid.  All we had was a pile of dirt. You climbed around on it. Pushed each other off the top.

Trash in context

Trash in context.

Probably full of cooties.

I like the contrast of shapes.

Colourful trash. When looking for colour, especially in the winter when everything is white or brown, trash never lets me down.

Waverley Fountain. It looked at first that the kid has a cigarette.

A remnant from yesterday’s Overdose Awareness Day.

Sippy cup.  I remember these. I am not that far off from using them again.  Everything from when you were a baby comes around in your life again when you are old.  Diapers.  Pureed food.  Naps.