Thunder Bay – Unhoused Selling Tents Given To Them

Holly Gauvin is extremely generous with other people’s money.  Once again, as I have said many, many times, if you get something for free, it has no value.  That goes for lodging, food, clothing or money.  If you get money given to you, unearned, then it has no value.  You will always get more.  Governments are very eager to hand out cash to these organizations such as Elevate just so they don’t have to provide an actual solution to the unhoused problem because we all know that there is no solution.  There is no solution that will not cost hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars a year…forever.

This is why sooo many organizations exist to help the unhoused.  It  is an Industrial Complex.  Jobs such as the one  Ms Gauvin has is depend on the unhoused existing.

Also, any money received by selling a tent is going to pay for drugs and alcohol.  Guaranteed.   So far, drugs and alcohol are two things that are not handed out for free to the unhoused.  Cash is still required.