The World – The Bird Flu Fear Mongering Marches On

Yup….our governments are busy using gain of function technology to make viruses more deadly to humans.  Good to know that your tax dollars, taken from you at the point of a gun, are being used to create a pandemic that will give you and your loved ones a 50/50 chance of dying.

That is, UNLESS you get the ‘jab’.  The ‘jab’ that will be offered by Big Pharma at a cost of tens of billions of tax dollars taken from you at the point of a gun.  And you will be SOOOOO grateful.

Once again, governments will issue edicts to control every aspect of your life. Control your movements and public interaction.  All for the public good. And you will be SOOOO grateful.

Make decisions based on knowledge. Do not simply comply. Educate yourself.