Thunder Bay – Friday

For some reason, there are people in this city that believe plants are better off being ripped out of the ground and disposed of in the street.  I am sure there is a group of citizens in Thunder Bay  that support these POS vandals.

Trash in context. Seven -up?  Not a soft drink can that I see often.

Being strafed by a gull.

Yup…I am in Thunder Bay

Discarded food item.

Trash in context

Another Band-Aid repair job.

I know that I am an uncultured knuckledragger when it comes to art appreciation. Its one of my only flaws.  I do have a question about the ‘mistake on the lake’ art gallery.  Why is it that an art gallery can’t be a simple building consisting of four walls and a roof?  Multiple floors maybe but in essence a box.   Not a complicated design.  Something tried and true.  These fancy designs (take the hospital for example)  must add a significant cost to the structure. Complicated designs also increase the chances of future maintenance issues such as  leaky roof.

The cost of this building will dwarf the value of anything displayed inside.  I don’t understand spending money on the building instead of the art that will be displayed inside.  What is it people will come to see?  The building?  In that case, do we need anything inside at all?

These are popping up all over the place now.  The Daisy

Tree Swallow

Your morning sky

OK….the thing,  one half of  the Marina Park public art piece Jiigew,  cost close to half a million dollars.  Why is this interior exposed?   It has been for quite a while.  Why?  It cannot be good for the electronics.

The cover that was removed is laying here.  Just what in the hell is going on here?

MV Michipiconten is still at Keffer

Double-crested Cormorant

Trash with a view. People are still wearing these.

Trash in context

Trash with a view

Another of the many plastic bottles laying around the city.

What’s hanging from your rearview mirror?

Ooooo so close. That trash can was JUST too far.

Water bottle photo

Trash always improves the look of any urban garden

Still some meat left on them bones.