Thunder Bay – Thursday

It was supposed to be overcast with light rain expected.  Instead, we got this.    The clouds were there but there was a narrow band of open sky along the horizon right where the sun was about to rise.

The sunrise blasted colour everywhere

And here it comes.  If you lived in the Waverley Towers, you would have a great view of this.  I am sure the residents of that building have seen plenty of sunrises. This one is nothing special to them.

Nice with the trees in silhouette

and so the day begins

By time I got to Marina Park, this is all that was left.  Still nice colour.

More carpet installed in Marina Park. My first trip down Pier 3 of the year.  The Marina is now officially open.

A pair of Goldeneyes

Trash with a view. Do I pick up this trash?  Of course not. I leave it where it lies sooo everyone can enjoy it.  I am not selfish.

More trash with a view. I remember Old Dutch chips.  Kids Bids was on CKPR TV..  You used Old Dutch product bags and box tops to bid on items.

Does anyone remember Humpty Dumpty chips?

More trash with a view.  Why not finish it?  I still do not understand this habit.  You pay for a soft drink but not drink it all?  There needs to be a deposit on these plastic bottles.   People will pick them up and return them for the cash sooo they can buy their bee, wine and/or liquor.


If you have ever wondered what a fire hydrant looks like

I see we have some Nazis in town.

Not sure this is better.  Maybe the Nazis could remove the posters?  Or use a different colour of paint?>  Make it look nice?  I know Nazis don’t care about things like beautification but come on…

I hope our high salaried residents of City Hall do something about this soon. Its a pain in the but to have to step up onto this asphalt patch while walking on the sidewalk. Maybe BEFORE Labour Day?
