Thunder Bay – Sunday

Sky showing some promise this morning

Sadly, by time I got down to the waterfront, clouds have moved in

Your morning sky

As goos as it got?

A very slight touch of colour. Emphasis on the ‘slight”.

Shows desperation. A photo of the camera taking a photo

The mistake on the lake today

Trash in context. You do know that consuming alcohol in Marina Park is legal….well, I have never seen anyone arrested for doing so.

Trash in context

Tug Glenada

Vodka Lemonade. Sounds like something that will get you drunk really quickly which I assume is exactly the point.  Could be a great source of vitamin C if there is any lemon juice in there at all. ….and you don’t vomit it all back up.

Trash in context. Its blue. Not a lot of blue trash laying around.

You can spend millions improving the north core infrastructure. Revamp all the streets and sidewalks, paving stones, granite planters,  flowers, shrubs and improved lighting. Do all of that.  But then you have this.  Soooo what’s the point?

This person obviously does not care.  This building has looked like this for years.  Time for the high salaried residents of City Hall to phone that number and have a talk with this building owner.   Seriously.

Trash in context