The World – 10 Reasons Why EVs Can Never Dominate Transportation Part 1

What he said…. Our governments are spending billions of our tax dollars to force the public to adopt a technology that is nowhere near ready.  Its more expensive, less dependable, more dangerous and does not really lower the carbon footprint of public transportation.  Its very unpopular.  You have to PAY people to buy them.  Governments will have to FORCE people to buy them.  I can see that happening  with the government we have in place now In Canada.

Cruise ships….I notice that their giant carbon footprint is being ignored.  Maybe we should start with them. They pump a huge amount of pollutants into the air.  Food waste?   I’m thinking there is lots of that.  Why not get rid of them?  Private jets?  Why not ban them?  I think the reason why they are not is obvious.

Remember….this all about money and control.  Taking money out of your pockets and putting it into the pockets of large corporations and the billionaires that own/run them.  Government control of every aspect of your life.

Is the climate changing? Yes.  It has been changing for millions of years.   Cold then warm then cold then warm and so on.  These climate cycles are called Ice Ages.  They have been going on for many millions of years.  We are in one now.  Its called an interglacial period.  Between glaciers.

Are humans the cause of this climate change?   Considering that the industrial revolution is less than 300 years old, I’m thinking the answer is no.