Thunder Bay – Saturday

Friday night souvenir?

Snow. Its all around the city.  Just not here yet.

Ice patterns

American Coot

Mask photo

Now that the streets in the north core are open to two way traffic and all of the patios have been removed, when are the buses going to start returning to their old routes?

Nice place. Comfy.

OK, lets have a look at the asphalt patch on Secord Street that was done yesterday.


Tracks in the asphalt?  Means that the asphalt was not properly compacted.  Not unusual in Thunder Bay.




Looks like someone simply painted some gravel black.  Does not look like asphalt at all.  I suspect that a lot of the course material will be rolling around in the gutter by spring,

Personally, I think this looks like crap.

House down the street has a sump pump that outlets water into the gutter.  That water flows downhill. Its obvious that street has a slope that allows water to flow across the street, instead of forcing it to flow  into the catchbasin.  Then that water freezes and you end up with a street covered with ice right at a stop sign.  Only in Thunder Bay.

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