Thunder Bay – Sunday – World Leprosy Day

Another overcast morning. Cooler than yesterday.

Sunday mornings are quiet. Not much traffic.

Its been like this for the past three mornings.

Trash in context.  I remember when this brand of beer was only available in western US.

I keep thinking on how our high salaried residents of City Hall take the length of the grass in your yard more seriously than business storefronts.   A building can look like this for years without City Hall putting any pressure on the building owner to improve the look.   Plain plywood  looks like crap. Sends the wrong message to visitors to the city. Or maybe it speaks the truth about where this city is going?

Trash in context.  I remember playing Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega.  That was many, many years ago.

A closer look at eth north core’s latest plywood window.   I wonder what happened?

I am sure there is a story behind this.  I have no idea what it is.