Thunder Bay – Sunday – International Sweatpants Day

All quiet on the construction site of the “mistake on the lake” .

The workers are going to enjoy the warmer temps tomorrow.  Well, warmer than its been for a while anyway.

No traffic at this time of the day, especially on a Sunday.

Sky shows some promise but I am not overly hopeful.

Some colour.  Maybe something might happen.

Coyote finds me interesting.  I think I was standing in one of its regular routes.

So it moved off a bit and sat down.  Watching me.  Maybe waiting for me to leave.  It finally got bored and headed out to the break wall.

As good as it got

Not going to see the sun today.  It is warmer though.  I guess we can’t have everything

Front-end loader tracks in the snow

Trash in context

Looking for colour and this has it in spades

Trash in context. Amazing just how much McDonald’s trash is out there.

Trash in context. I wonder what the ingredients are in that “no name” lasagna?