The World – ‘Vaccine’ Passports And Mandates Do Nothing To Keep The ‘Vaccinated’ From Getting Infected By The SARS-2 Virus

If you think that ‘vaccine’ passports and ‘vaccine’ mandates will protect you from getting infected with the SARS-2 virus, you are mistaken.  Everyone in that restaurant, bar, gym or airplane can be infectious and spread the virus.  Everyone in your workplace can spread the virus.  Hospital workers and Long Term Care workers can spread the virus.  Getting the jab does nothing to stop the spread.  It never has. It never will.

I suspect that is why you are not seeing reports on how many of the new COVID-19 cases are ‘un’vaccinated’ and how many are in fully ‘vaccinated’.

Everyone will get infected at some time.  THAT is a fact.

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