The World – Masks For The ‘Vaccinated’

Not sure how long this video will be on YouTube. I will try and keep the link updated.

Lots of health ‘experts’ now telling us that the ‘vaccines’ were never meant to keep people from getting infected with the SARS-2 or transmitting the SARS-2 virus. They were meant to keep people out of the hospital and that is what they are doing.

They are doing that…now but for how long?

Boosters. How many is safe?  Nobody knows.  What effect will an endless booster regime have on our immune system?  If our immune system is permanently damaged, then we are truly screwed.

Viruses mutate in people they infect.  It only makes sense that the virus infecting vaccinated people will eventually evolve and become resistant to the vaccine. Something it cannot do in an unvaccinated person.  This is a very serious issue.

In the meantime:

Most face masks won’t stop COVID-19 indoors, study warns

Anyone surprised? Which brings me to the following:

CDC Buries Study Finding That Student Masking Has No ‘Statistically Significant Benefit’

All makes perfect sense now, doesn’t it?


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