Thunder Bay – Saturday – National Laura Day

Another mild overcast day. Little to no wind.  Also, no sun.  Nice reflections though.

Still some ice floating around.

Santa getting ready for the big night tomorrow.

No giant out there. Fog.

MV Thunder Bay at Keefer. Is it going to spend the winter there?

What’s going on with that bee or wasp?  It definably has some issues. Emitting flames from where?

?  Some work going on?  Normally barricades are enough but the snow fence is extra protection against something. I must investigate closer tomorow.

Trash in context.  Friday night in Marina Park must be action packed. Lots of empties around.

Took a closer look at the green bag.  The closer I look, the more it appears to be a giant condom.

Friday night’s alright for drinking

Water bottle photo


Water bottle photo

Water bottle photo