Thunder Bay – Friday – Fountain Pen Day

Not sure what work is being done here.  Water Street between Cumberland and Bay Streets.  I think it is something to do with the light pole that has been missing since…forever.   There are a lot of dark stretches of sidewalk on the section of Water Street between Bay and Pearl Streets.   Hopefully our  city’s crack lighting crews  find time in their busy schedules to remedy that situation.

Of course, there is the whole issue of having to string wires between light poles that are normally connected by underground cables.

This what we have this morning.  Nothing to write home about.

I was hoping it would get better but it does not look like it.

As good as it got

The sun makes its appearance

I see the art piece down at the site of the future “net carbon neutral”  waterfront art gallery is all decked out for Remembrance  Day

Not many left on the trees any longer.

A couple of water bottle phots

This one looks like it might have something else inside other than water.

Someone lost a hand.

Trash in context

It would be nice if these things were removed once the event has taken place.   Maybe a fine if the posters are not removed within a couple of weeks?  $100 per poster?  That should get someone’s attention.

The carrot and stick thing. Thunder Bay is all carrot.  Its time to use the stick sometime.   This needs to be a bylaw issue.