Thunder Bay – Friday – Information Overload Day

All the ingredients are there for a nice sunrise.

As good as it got. I was hoping for better but at least it was not overcast.

and so the day has begun

A planting operation is going on along the new Pool 6 trail.  Hopefully, the plants will not grow more than a metere in height.  If you walk around the Spirit Garden Trail, you will notice that the wall of vegetation that separates the trail from the water blocks the view of the lake for all but the tallest people.  The view is why the trail runs along the lakeshore.

Does nobody think of that?  If it were up to me, I would cut all the vegetation along the Spirit Garden Trail down to one metre.

A gap in the vegetation wall along the Spirit Garden Trail.

Some fall colours

Water bottle photo. Notice that it is full.  Likely unopened.  Who cares because they hand these out for free.

Water bottle photo.

A couple of blooms in this shrub are hanging in there.

A nice looking mask.  Full of cooties though.  A good wash and it will be as good as new.

This maple is showing off