Thunder Bay – Six New COVID-19 Cases

Health unit reporting six new COVID-19 cases

Following several days of no new cases, the Thunder Bay District Health Unit is reporting six new cases on Friday.

According to the health unit, five of the new cases are from First Nation communities and one in a district community.

The exposure category of the new include one resulting from close contact, one with no known exposure, and four still pending.

The total number of active cases in the district is now eight. –

article website here

Vaxed or unvaxed? For some reason, that information is not provided. Up to now, the ‘vaccination’ status of any new case was provided.  Not now. Huh.

This makes me believe these infections are ‘breakthrough’ infections.  Also, I also suspect that there are many more cases of COVID in Thunder Bay that are going undetected because the cases are mild enough for people not to get tested.

This fall/winter is going to be very interesting.

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