Thunder Bay – Sunday

Hydrants used to be repainted regularly.

The painting of traffic lines and symbols on last years Court Street rod reconstruction.

What I have seen over the years as this city does not have the ability to apply this type of thermoplastic material successfully.  The application requires heat to adhere to the asphalt surface. .  The thermoplastic is heated with a blowtorch.  More often than not, the thermoplastic is burned.

What I see here is a very uneven looking application. Patchy.  Looks like crap but in this city, crap is acceptable.

You can see some burn spots

Another here.  I think city taxpayers expect and should receive  a higher quality of finished product than this.

Fog out there this norning.

Love the fact that these guys are still blooming.

Morning sky photo

The Northern Flicker was around this morning

It hung around a little longer today


MV Brant emerging from the fog

These things stick to your clothes.

Someone drying their clothes?

Water bottle photo


Water bottle photo

Can’t be in Marina Park without seeing an empty beer can.

Looks like remnants from yesterday’s Festival Area event.   Could have thrown it in the trash but this person decided not to.

There was even candy in the bag.

Water bottle photo

The phone is gone but what was left behind still serves a purpose.

Water bottle photo.

Yes…its toothpaste.  I don’t think I ever photographed a tube of toothpaste before.  This is why I get out of bed and walk out the door.

The infamous “PetSmart” cart which I have seen all over the north downtown core.