Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Not great conditions for photography this morning. Overcast. Very windy. Drizzle.

Noticed the windows were broken on this building on Monday morning.  Still broken two days later.  How much rain entered the building through those broken windows?

I am starting o believe that this building is ripe for “demolition via arson”.   Our high salaried residents of City Hall need to get on the owners of empty building as soon as possible.

At the very least, have the owner replace the broken glass ASAP.  What’s going on inside.  Might be good to have regulars inspections of empty buildings.   There should be a limit on how long a building can remain “abandoned”.

Morning sky photo

I like the idea of this sculpture.  I just wish that more planning went into the design.


As good as it gets today.

Tug MV Glenada

Tug MV Point Valour. MV Brant in background.

MV Federal Fraser in background

Water bottle photo