Ontario – Ministry Of Health To Phone Un’vaccinated’ Ontarians.

Ministry of Health to phone unvaccinated Ontarians

Northwest Health Units confirms calls are legitimate, will offer the vaccine hesitant a chance for consultation with health experts.

The unvaccinated can expect a phone call from the Ministry of Health.

According to a release issued on Thursday by the Northwest Health Unit, the ministry plans to contact everyone with an Ontario health card number who has yet to receive a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination to ensure they know how to get a shot if they choose to get one.

The health unit said they are going public to let resident of the district know the calls are legitimate. There will also be an opportunity for the vaccine hesitant to have COVID-19 vaccine questions answered by a medical professional.

A vaccine consultation from sick kids for children, youth and their families will be made available, as will VaxFacts, involving a doctor from the Scarborough Health Network who will answer questions about the vaccine.

The health unit is reporting 87.8 per cent of those 12 and older having received at least one dose, with 81.3 per cent considered fully vaccinated. More than 125,000 shots have been administered.

To accommodate, large clinics are being added to the NWHU booking site to ensure enough appointments are available.

To book an appointment visit the health unit website. – tbnewswatch.com

article website here

Of course. That is the world we live in now.  I wonder how many calls you will get?  Its not enough to ban the people who have chosen not to get ‘vaccinated’ from all social activities including travel. Not enough to threaten to remove their source of income. Not enough for the mainstream media to label them terrorists, murderers, selfish assholes etc. Nope. Now they are going after them at home. Why?

Is there evidence that 81.3% fully ‘vaccinated’ is not enough? No. Where is the ‘science’? There is none.  Our ‘health ‘experts’ are making science up as they go.

People have a right to chose what goes into their bodies. If that right is taken away from us, then we are simply livestock owned by governments and corporations.

PS:  With the increased use of digital payment for purchasing groceries and entertainment and the purchase tracking ability that gives governments, will smokers, alcohol consumers, overweight individuals and gamblers start getting phone calls from our governments? Will people leading unhealthy lifestyles get a phone call from the Ministry of Health?

Below is the latest from James Corbett and James Evan Pilato.  There is nothing temporary about mandates and passports.  Everything you are experiencing now is permanent.  Maybe not in the short term, but long term, the restrictions and controls are now part of the ‘New World Order’. That includes getting phone calls from your government inquiring about your behavior.

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