Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Its nice that the dog poop bag people produce  Brightly coloured poop bags.

Trash in context.

I always wonder how many things that you would believe to be important do not appear to be so.  Street lights removed and not replaced.  Hydrants in need of repair and not repaired.  Traffic signs damaged and removed and not replaced.  Why do these pieces of “important” city infrastructure exist is they are not requires?  If we don’t need them, why install them?  If they are required by some provincial or municipal code, why is their repair/replacement ignored for months or even years?

A traffic cone using another traffic cone to increase its visibly.

Trash in context.

Not my favourite Corvette model but its still very cool looking.

The mistake on the lake is about to have its piles driven. Not sure waht the concrete blocks are for though.

Pile driving is noisy.

The sun still has an orange look to it. Likely smoke from Alberta wildfires.

Water bottle photo

Old bubble wrap

Another public art piece.  I am not sure what message or feeling this piece is supposed to convey.  Maybe something about community?  Racial harmony?  Multicultural.   How, no matter the colour of our skin, underneath it all, we are all the same. Same design, just different paint. Very powerful.

Someone pulled the fire alarm at the Delta?

Well at least the straw isn’t plastic.

Water bottle photo.



Nice that someone left this here for me to photograph.

Water bottle photo. Can you see it?

Its underneath the sign,

Another water bottle photo

and another water bottle photo

and then there is today’s AI art piece…relaxed