Thunder Bay – Monday

The pile of trash is increasing.  Trash attracts more trash.

The boycott does not seem to have taken root here. On the other hand, I have not seen any Bud Light cans laying around ssooo maybe?????

Trash in context.

The mistake on the lake. Not much going on.

I wonder if we are seeing some smoke from the fires out west?

Tree swallows.  I am trying to communicate with them.  Judging from the expression on their faces, I am not succeeding.

This is extremely small.  A couple of centimeters or so long.  It has something to do with cannabis and vaping. Technology that is foreign to me.

A crayfish had a very bad day.

Trash in context.

Looks like remnants from a Mothers Day celebration….Thunder Bay style.

Camp site setting up along McVicar Creek.

I believe that the organizations that support these encampments existing should be required to pick up the trash. Keep the area clean.  Cleaning not done, no public funding.

Seriously. The least the “campers” can do is clean up their “camp sites”

Its not too much o ask.

Fish are heading up McVicar Creek

I don’t know if anything is worth this kind of effort.  Lucky for kids, my wife and I did not have to do this in order for them to exist.

…no way.

Hopefully this gets fixed soon. It looks dangerous.  The traffic cones can attest to the hazard level.

and then there is today’s AI art piece…whitewater kayaking/canoeing