Thunder Bay – Sunday – Mothers Day

Another sunny day. Cool but sunny. Sun means shadows.

Trash in context

Not a lot of birds around this morning other than geese, crows and gulls.  I’m going to go with song sparrow for this one.

An unfinished bottle of Brisk.  Why di d the person not empty the bottle?  There might be half the bottle left. The liquid is pretty dark for urine so it is mostly likely Brisk.

Water bottle photo

Trash in context.

Another water bottle photo.

The pagoda

This photo is misleading

The photo originally looked like this.  I did like what was going on at the left side.  Not symmetrical.  Soo, I just copied the right side, flipped and there you go.  Instant symmetry.  Its cheating but famous photographer Ansel Adams once said that you don’t take a photograph, you make a photograph.

A sunny day with a clear blue sky does make for a nice black and white photo.

and then there is today’s AI art piece……Mothers Day cards

in the style of Salvador Dali

in the style of Salvador Dali

In the style of Henry Moore

in the style of Henry Moore

in the style of Anthony Lister