Thunder Bay – Wednesday

The water was almost completely still.  Mirror like.

Tree swallow

Mistake on the lake today.  Progress is very slow.  No rush I guess.

Noticed this at the Pool 6 site.  A concrete pad.

Taken this photo many times before when there are reflections and the light is good.

A pair of goldeneyes were swimming around.  It took me a while to figure out this pose.   Its unusual.  Can’t say I have ever seen this angle before.

Swimming around each other

The eyes always look strange to me.

A red-breasted merganser

Another example of just how little our high salaried residents of city hall care about the people who live in the city and pay their salary.  Sweeping and blowing the gravel/sand off of parking lots in the park.

Had they wet the area first, there would not be any dust.  Then  the gravel/sand could have been swept up. No leaf blower. No dust.  Its obvious that they just don’t care.

Not sure what causes this foam but it looks interesting.

A Renco shopping cart not anywhere near the store.

Plastic water bottle photo

and then there is today’s AI art piece…night desert scene