Thunder Bay – Saturday

another crappy day. with the drizzle and the wind, opportunities are scarce.

I suspect that these are handed out for free to people by some organization.  The stuff is expensive and has a lot of sugar in it.

Another public art piece?  It speaks to me.

A borg ship is anchored in the harbour. The MV Finelborg.  Almost all  the company’s ships names end in “borg”.

Common merganser.

A happy couple.   Saw the first Pelican today.  It was hanging out with a group of double-crested cormorants.  Sadly, I did not get a chance to photo it.  I will have to keep my eyes out.

Trash in context. Lots of drinking taking place in Marina Park. Must be legal because I have never seen police officers trying to stop antone.

More trash in context.

Lots of wires and poles.

Plastic water bottle photo.

and then there is today’s AI art piece…overcast minimalism…basically a type of photo I would take