Thunder Bay – Friday

Great Blue Heron

Tried using the flash on the camera

The things you see in a Thunder Bay park. It might still work.

Lots of colour in the water

A poo bag that would make a great Christmas Tree decoration

White?  Seriously?

Looks like a yellowbagger was here.  Who else would discard a perfectly good orange? Not someone who paid for that orange.

Not sure how you do not notice the shoe is missing.

Another partially consumed soft drink bottle.  A mystery.

Robin’s Donuts trash.  The juice pack looks like the ones you see in the yellow bags handed out by the Dew Drop Inn. Interesting.

A gull had a bad day. A really bad day.

The building is almost gone. Using a water mist to keep the dust down.  Imagine that. Dust suppression on a Thunder Bay contract.  Never thought I would see the day.

What the building used to look like.

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