Thunder Bay – Thursday

Sigh…snowed last night….light flurries still coming down.  Wet.  Sooo I am not taking out my main camera.   I am using a pocket size camera which I can keep dry.

Apparently, none of that sweet, sweet TbayTel cash was spent here.  Over a third of a billion dollars since 2004.  And what did we get?

There is some colour here. Not sure what it is.

A dog did not retrieve his/her/?  ball.

Nothing to see out there.

The MV Federal Caribou has left and the MV Isolda has taken its place at Richardson’s.  Grain is being loaded.

Looks like some sort of watch/fitbit type of device. Guessing its a cheap knockoff because it is now Marina Park litter.

Looks like a piece of something has broken loose .

Rain will help what ice is left to disappear.

Looking for colour.  Mountain Dew has caffeine now?

Public art

Traffic cone.  Not sure why it is in Waverley Park.

Someone trying to recycle a Tim’s cup?

and then there is today’s AI art piece