Thunder Bay – Thursday

Some nice clouds this morning

Not unusual in Thunder Bay.

Tree Swallows are back down at the Pool 6 pond area

Dramatic sky

In Thunder Bay, the knuckledragger population deposit their feces on the floor of the toilets in Marina Park.  Why?  Because.  Tourists are going to love these “people”.   Imagine having to use this.  Disgusting.

An empty Popeye’s Chicken dinner box left by someone who had to walk past several trash cans in order to leave the park. Yes. That is the kind of people that live in this city.

Smokers are the worst litterers in the city. Its not even close.  No matter where you go, you are never a few steps away from a cigarette butt….or discarded package or discarded package cellophane wrapping.  I guess its OK.

Snow sculptures today.  (Snow sculptures can be seen in Family Day post here)  Pagoda.

Beaver House is gone

Coin Carousel

Lighthouse is gone.

Boreal Forest

Amethyst Crystals

and then there is today’s AI art piece..