Thunder Bay – Easter Sunday

Another clear sky morning

Someone thought that the Madhouse’s cigarette disposal unit was situated in the wrong spot. Apparently, it belongs in the centre of the street.  Might be tough to use though.  Another example of the mental level of this city’s knuckledragger population.

Ice patterns

Interesting.  Not sure how the process of melting snow could create this.

More ice patterns

Winter is tough. Cold, dark and miserable. But one of the benefits of winter is that you don’t have to listen to these birds honking all the time.  The fact that they poop everywhere is also a negative.

Speaking of the city’s knuckledragger population, smoking and drinking in the city’s Marina Park pit toilets is one of their favourite pastimes. Calling them pigs is slanderous to pigs.  This city will never be much of anything because of this population.  There are too many people that have no stake in whether this city succeeds or fails.  Whether it is clean or filthy. Whether it is safe or dangerous.  There is a growing industry around supporting the knuckledraggers.   If they were to disappear, many people would lose their jobs.  Jobs that are mainly funded by taxpayers.

More  ice patterns.

Nice pattern on the bottom of someone’s shoe.

Frozen bubbles.

Crown Royal.  I used to think this stuff was pretty fancy.  Now I believe its just disgusting’s. There are much better whiskeys out there.  Of course, better whiskeys cost more.  And there’s the rub.

One of the Waverly Library’s  best customer? Oh by the way, that tent is $350 on The shopping cart is free. You need one, you can just take one.

Snow sculptures today. Pagoda

Beaver House

Coin Carousel


Boreal Forest

Amethyst Crystals

and then there is today’s AI art piece….Jesus meeting Mary Magdalene after rising from the dead