Thunder Bay – Saturday

Thunder Bay in one photo

Lots of feral shopping carts

Beaver felled a tree and this happened

Bee having a bad hair day

The gang

The sad part is that this person/persons had to walk past several trash cans on the way out of the park

Great Blue Heron

They’re back!

Mask photo

Why buy a large bottle if you are only going to drink half?

Where were all of the organizations before?  The City of Thunder Bay decides to setup a fence and all of these groups appear.  Provide food and even tents.  The people have been living in the abandoned gas bar for months.  NOW they are important?  Now their lives matter?  What a joke. Its all about publicity.

Yup. I’m in Thunder Bay.

A stash? What is in there?

Yup, still in Thunder Bay

Yellow bagger was here. Did not like the apple.

Who supplies the yellow bags to the Dew Drop Inn?  No Frills.

No sugar versus diet. Is there a difference?

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