Thunder Bay – Thursday

Pants. Yes, pants. Nobody in the pants. Just an empty pair of pants.

Can’t be much fun pushing this around in these conditions.


Trash in context.  Nice view of the lake.

Morning sky photo

You can see where the sewer discharges

Trash in context

Trash in context

A good example of the poor street design Thunder Bay has.  That thin wedge of snow between the street and sidewalk is stupid. Move the sidewalk towards the street and a grader can clear both street and sidewalk. Thin wedge of snow is then gone.

Its sooo stupid.  Street designs need to take snow clearing into account. Make it as easy as possible.

Then you get the situation where sidewalks are finally cleared of snow and then a parking lot snow clearing operation pushes snow back onto the sidewalk.  This makes it difficult for pedestrians and almost impossible for people with physical disabilities.

and then there is today’s AI art piece

Santa relaxing after his Christmas Eve run.