Thunder Bay – Friday

Not the best but it might improve as the sun nears the horizon

Some mornings, you have to play the hand your dealt.

Tried to use the flash on the camera as a fill flash. Looks like a Timmies bag all crumpled up. Not placed in the proper trash container.  Typical of this city’s small but dynamic “asshole” population.

Hidden trash is still trash. Juice box is from a Yellow bag by the looks of it.

I hate this with a passion

The large amount of dust created when a contractor cuts concrete or paving stones. Using water at the cutting site would almost totally eliminate any dust.  It would cost the contractor nothing.  It would add almost zero dollars to the contract price.  Its easy to do.  Yet here we are.

Finnish Labour Temple site this morning.  A lot of the forms have been removed.

and then there is today’s AI art piece



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