The World – 2019 Rand Corporation Study Laid Out Plan For Ukraine War

A 2019 Rand Corporation study commissioned by the US Army laid out exactly what the plan to undermine and weaken Russia through military support for Ukraine would be. The study suggested arming Ukraine, imposing sanctions on Russia, ramping up economic warfare and taking a more aggressive and militaristic posture toward the United States’ international rival – all while warning that this could lead to a military invasion of Ukraine.

People are blaming the wrong country for the war in Ukraine. The US is behind it all dating back to the Maidan protest in 2014.  The whole idea is to bleed Russia, impose punishing sanctions, instill social unrest in that country and hopefully end up with regime change.

Ukrainians are being used by the US to hurt Russia.  Tools. A means to an end.  The US does not care about Ukrainians at all.  And on top of that,  the American Military Industrial Complex is making billions supplying the weapons to Ukraine.

Its all in the study. Everything.

The whole “I stand with Ukraine” is a phsyop by the US. Getting everyone to blame Russia for something that the US was actually responsible.  And everyone fell for it.

the study website can be found here


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