The World – Net Zero Is A Myth

Ahhn yes, Mark Carney.  A Canadian who is in very deep with the people and organizations that want to rule/run the world.  Yes, he is linked to the  World Economic Forum as is Trudeau. Hmmmm, notice how the WEF continues to show up?

Yup…Follow the money. The money that is being transferred from your wallet into the wallets of giant  corporations thanks to the very people whose job is supposed to look out for you.

Governments don’t have any money themselves.  All of their money is taken from people like you at the point of a gun.

Interesting how Trudeau seems to pop up a lot in these types of videos.  The man is a joke and needs to go. Unfortunately,  Freeland is worse.  She is on the Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum.

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