The World – Things Are Falling Apart Quickly

What he said. You may not agree with Tucker Carlson on anything. You may not like the man. Still, I believe what he says here is very true.

Our governments want us to be poor. To suffer. Power shortages, food shortages, high prices, inflation, eating bugs, fuel shortages, natural gas prices going through the roof this winter.  This is a future created by the very people whose very job is to steer the ships of state in a course that will avoid all of those things.

Do you really think that the people in charge and their elite overlords are going to suffer at all?  Are they going to be eating bugs? Have to turn the thermostat down this winter,  Worry about inflation?  Worry about shortages of anything?  Of course not.

And it all boils down to the west’s hate for all things Russian.

OK the Ukraine war. Could have been avoided had the Minsk agreement been enforced. Could have been avoided if the Donbass region of Ukraine, a region where Russian is spoken by the majority of the population, received the same treatment as Quebec receives here in Canada. Quebec is a province where the French language and French culture is practiced by a majority of the population.

Language rights. Recognition of their cultural heritage. A certain level of self governance.  Allowed to live in peace as part of Ukraine. Works here in Canada.  Trudeau should have brokered that deal.  Canada has the blueprints for such a thing.

But noooo. The Far Right in Ukraine hates Russia. The Ukrainian Nazis hate Ukraine. They actually run the country right now. They are keeping the war going. They have been shelling and killing Ukrainian citizens in the Donbass region for the past 7 or 8 years.  Why?  Because they are Russian speaking Ukrainians. That is what this war is all about.

Sooo, because the Far Right/Nazis of Ukraine hate Russia and have been shelling and killing Russian speaking Ukrainians for the past 7 or 8 years, the rest of the world now will suffer. We are marching right into the waiting arms of the World economic Forum and its Great Reset. We will own nothing and be happy.

If you don’t believe Tucker, how about Kim Iversen?



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