Thunder Bay – Friday

Big Dig this morning

Trash in context. Looks like the person eating this apple used a knife.  Still left a lot of meat on d’em bones.

Morning sky photo. No giant out there this morning.

Like the composition. Hated the sky sooo I thought….

why not replace the sky?  Too bad it does not work in real life. Makes a big difference.

Same thing here.  I liked the composition but the sky is not good at all sooo…

Once again, big difference.  Yes, its cheating but when things don’t work out, you try some stuff.  As long as you tell everyone what you did. I think its OK.

Trash with a view

Coca Cola is going to get rid of the green Sprite bottle because the green plastic can’t be recycled.  Figured that out after how many years?  60?  Sixty years?

I wonder if 7 up is going to follow suit?

I can never tell. Is this considered trash?

Trash in context. Could have put it in a trash can but this is sooo much more convenient. The “parents” of this POS  or should I call them “sperm ejaculator” and “sperm receptacle”  obviously failed at their job, if they even bothered to try.

THey are starting to form up for the big trip south.

Clouds changed on an ongoing basis


Last day today for the public to bring in stuff for dry clashing. After today, only commercial and industrial stuff will be accepted. Why? Shortage of workers.  Can’t get people to work.  Why work when you get everything for free?

Used to be that being on welfare was the last place anyone wanted to be. Now, its the goal of a good chunk of the population. Wait until they bring in Universal Income.

A bottle cap. A rare sighting.  These used to be everywhere. Before cans and before screw on tops there were bottle caps that required an opener. Guys used to have one attached to their key-chain. Every motel/hotel room, had a bottle opener attached to the wall in the bathroom.

There were people who could pry the cap off of a bottle with their teeth.  Ahhh, those were the good old days.

Today’s AI art piece


First McDonald’s on the moon

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