The World – The New World Next Week – Trust The Science

Trust the science indeed. Its all about the money.

We are now beginning to find out about all the bullshit we were told about the fight against COVID-19.  Who knew what about what and when they knew it.  Masks, social distancing,  two weeks to flatten the curve, lockdowns, PCR tests, mandates and “vaccine”. None of it was what we were told. There is zero evidence that any of it actually made a difference.  We are told it. The problem is that reality is compared against models.  In other words, we are comparing what really happened to best guess scenarios. The models produced by “experts” have zero track record. The modelers can’t lose. If COVID-19 case numbers go down after the imposition of the recommended “health measures”, then they were right. If the case numbers continue to rise, then the public is at fault for not  following the “health measures” close enough.

Now we are being told that children as young as six months should get the “jab”.  Why?  Children have virtually zero risk of dying from COVID.  Almost zero chance of ending up in hospital.   Follow the money. Its all about the money. Always has been. Always will be.

Speaking of computer “models”, what about the climate “models”. You know the ones. The ones that have been predicting global warming climate change for decades now. Well,

they might be wrong.  In fact, its more likely they are wrong that right. Turns out that the factors that affect the Earth’s climate are extremely numerous. In fact,  there are many that we do not know they even exist. Many we do not fully understand yet.  Turns out that the whole climate thing is extremely complicated.  Who knew?

‘Stunning’: 1 in 5,000 COVID Shots Caused ‘Serious Side Effects,’ German Health Officials Admit

Yes, that is 1 in 5,000 COVID shots.  Each SHOT produces a 1 in 5,000 chance of “serious side effects”.

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