The World – Vaccines And COVID With The Inventor Of mRNA Vaccine Technology

What he said.  It should be a person’s choice whether to get ‘vaccinated’ or not.  That choice should be made with as much information of the risks of getting that jab available in simple terms that everyone can understand.

Vaccine mutations being fueled by mass inoculations using these imperfect, leaky vaccines?  Looks like it.

The issues with booster shots. Can it permanently screw up your immune system?

Why is there no early treatment for COVID-19?  The way it works now is that, if you test positive for COVID-19, you sit at home and wait to see if you will get sick enough to need hospitalization. That’s it.  What other illness is treated like that?

Vaccines need to be used BEFORE the virus starts to circulate in the population.

Worth a watch if you care.

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